Gottman Marathons

Intensive Couples Counseling for Lasting Love!

what, why and how?

What is a couples intensive?

Couple intensive sessions are extended, concentrated therapy sessions designed to address and work through significant issues in a relationship over a short period.

Unlike traditional weekly sessions, which are typically around 50 minutes long, intensive sessions can last several hours or even a full day.

These sessions provide couples with an immersive and focused environment to address deep-rooted issues, improve communication, and strengthen their relationship.

The condensed format allows for more in-depth exploration and resolution of issues than traditional therapy sessions, making them ideal for couples facing complex or longstanding challenges.

Why get couples intensive?

Intensive couples therapy offers a focused and efficient approach to addressing relationship issues. During these sessions, you and your partner have my undivided attention, allowing us to delve deeply into the core issues affecting your relationship.

Unlike traditional weekly sessions, which may spread out progress over several months, intensives condense this work into a few days, leading to quicker and more substantial results.

The extended format also provides an opportunity for breakthroughs in communication and understanding, paving the way for lasting change.

Additionally, intensives are particularly beneficial for crisis situations, such as infidelity or significant conflicts, providing a structured environment to address these challenges and rebuild trust.

how do couples intensives work?

Before our couples intensive begins, we'll have a free consultation call to ensure we're a good match and discuss your goals for therapy. This call helps me understand your needs and allows us to determine if the intensive format is right for you and your partner.

The intensive itself includes an intake session with both partners together, followed by two individual sessions, one with each partner. These individual sessions allow me to gain a deeper understanding of each of you and your perspectives.

During the intensive, we'll have extended couples sessions, typically scheduled for 1-3 days, with sessions lasting 2-3 hours each. This format allows for a more immersive and focused therapeutic experience, which can lead to significant progress in a short amount of time.

It's normal to feel fatigued during an extended therapy experience, so we'll be sure to take plenty of breaks throughout the intensive. These breaks give you and your partner time to rest, reflect, and recharge, ensuring that you get the most out of our time together.

gottman method

The Gottman Method of couples therapy, developed by renowned psychologists Drs. John and Julie Gottman, is a research-based approach aimed at strengthening relationships and improving communication between partners. With over 40 years of research and practice, this method has proven effective in helping couples build healthier, more fulfilling relationships.

At its heart lies the "Sound Relationship House," a comprehensive framework that outlines the fundamental components necessary for a healthy and enduring relationship. These components include building "love maps" (deep understanding of each other's inner worlds), fostering fondness and admiration, turning towards each other instead of away, managing conflict constructively, fulfilling each other's dreams, creating shared meaning, and establishing trust.

One key insight of the Gottman Method is the recognition that not all relationship problems are solvable. In fact, research suggests that around 69% of issues couples face are perpetual, meaning they will likely persist in some form throughout the relationship. Instead of trying to eliminate these perpetual problems, the focus shifts to managing them in a way that minimizes their impact on the relationship. This shift in perspective can be empowering, as it allows couples to accept and work around differences, rather than feeling frustrated by their inability to resolve certain issues.

The Gottman Method can be particularly impactful when conducted in intensives or "Gottman Marathons.” These formats offer several potential benefits, including immersion in the therapeutic process, rapid relationship repair, and increased focus and commitment. Immersion in the process allows couples to focus intensively on their relationship without distractions from daily life, accelerating progress and leading to more immediate insights and breakthroughs. Additionally, intensives can be especially effective for couples facing significant challenges, as the condensed format allows for more concentrated work on repairing and strengthening the relationship, leading to quicker results.

Options and INVESTMENT

Half Day Intensive

Starting at $650

Equal to 3 therapy hours

1 Day Intensive

Starting at $1400

Equal to 6 therapy hours

2 Day Intensive

Starting at $2,100

Equal to 9 therapy hours

Things to consider

  • *One or both partners have an active addiction are not candidates for the Intensive. there is an ongoing affair - the Intensive is not an option.

    *You and your partner do not have the same goal for therapy, this isn't a good format for you. An Intensive isn't the place to decide if you want to work on the marriage. When a couple has the same goal, an Intensive can be very rewarding.

    *Being in the same room for a long time is too triggering or you haven't been able to be in the same space without being civil in a period of time - this format may not be productive.

    *If there is active intimate partner violence, the Intensive is not an option.

  • We do not accept insurance for intensive therapy sessions. This decision is based on the nature of the intensive format, which requires a significant amount of time and dedication from both you and the therapist.

    While we understand that navigating insurance coverage can be challenging, we believe that this approach allows for focus solely on your needs and goals during the time together wi,h you therapist without the constraints that insurance may impose.

    We are committed to providing you with the highest level of care and support during our intensive sessions, and believe that this approach will allow you to achieve meaningful and lasting results in your relationship.

  • We offer all sessions virtually to accommodate your needs and preferences. However, we understand that sometimes an in-person session can be more beneficial. Therefore, we do provide in-home services for couples intensives on an as-needed basis and for an additional fee.

    This option allows to create a more personalized and comfortable environment, ensuring that you get the most out of your intensive therapy experience. Please inquire about in-home services during your free consultation.

"When people trust that their partners have their best interests at heart, they can tolerate conflict and use it to foster intimacy."

- Dr. John Gottman